Saturday, August 12, 2017

The love of Christ

God is love, this is the common and justified answer we often times hear people give when they are faced with concerning questions that exposed or challenged a sinful lifestyle they are living without a good understanding of what God's love is.

The truth is they are  right because "God is truly love", but the thing about God's love that must people misunderstand or never understood is that, his love is the source of a lifetime provision that has been made for them that leads to eternity as they go through their every day life on this earth. God is being understood as a God whose love, kindness and mercy allow sin to prevail and promote spiritual death.

If only they could just accept and receive God's love which is "Christ" for who he is, than for what they perceive him to be, their response would be different.

The love of Christ is like no other
It rebukes, it exhorts, it comforts, it edifies,
It's tough, it renews, it restores, it gives hope, it heals

The love of Christ expresses truth no matter what
The love of Christ saves by Grace through Faith
The love of Christ brings conviction that leads to repentance
Repentance leads to change in lifestyle
And that lifestyle leads to abundant life

The love of Christ provides Salvation
The love of Christ provides eternal life
The love of Christ provides forgiveness of sin
The love of Christ provides spiritual freedom
The love of Christ provides heavenly culture

The love of Christ calls for a life of complete submission onto Him
The love of Christ calls for a spiritual relationship with Him
The love of Christ calls for Holliness
The love of Christ calls to be unfit
The love of Christ calls for spiritual maturity
The love of Christ calls for self denial
The love of Christ calls to engage
The love of Christ calls for vigilance
The love of Christ calls to be sober minded
The love of Christ calls for wisdom
The love of Christ calls for obedience
The love of Christ calls to be set apart
The love of Christ calls for spiritual reconciliation
The love of Christ calls to be justified by the Holy Spirit

The love of Christ is confrontational
The love of Christ is sacrificial
The love of God is Christ
Christ is the way to God
Christ the truth of God
Christ is the life God offered

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