Saturday, November 10, 2018


I am seeking healing
But it requires pealing
If I don't peal
I can't heal
And when I peal
I discover the truth
And the truth hurts
And if I don't peal
I will be bombarded with unanswered questions
Which will give birth to reality based on perceptions

The more I peal
The more I am ill
Does that mean I shouldn't keep pealing
No, not at all
The bible said in the book of John, if you know the truth it will set you free

All I am seeking is to be free from this feeling of pain
My heart aches every time I think of it
I felt abandon by love
I felt cheated on by love
I don't like that pain

But I know healing is a process
And that one day I will encounter success
Don't leave me hanging
On perceptive feelings
But free me with the truth
So that I may find healing

Saturday, August 12, 2017

The love of Christ

God is love, this is the common and justified answer we often times hear people give when they are faced with concerning questions that exposed or challenged a sinful lifestyle they are living without a good understanding of what God's love is.

The truth is they are  right because "God is truly love", but the thing about God's love that must people misunderstand or never understood is that, his love is the source of a lifetime provision that has been made for them that leads to eternity as they go through their every day life on this earth. God is being understood as a God whose love, kindness and mercy allow sin to prevail and promote spiritual death.

If only they could just accept and receive God's love which is "Christ" for who he is, than for what they perceive him to be, their response would be different.

The love of Christ is like no other
It rebukes, it exhorts, it comforts, it edifies,
It's tough, it renews, it restores, it gives hope, it heals

The love of Christ expresses truth no matter what
The love of Christ saves by Grace through Faith
The love of Christ brings conviction that leads to repentance
Repentance leads to change in lifestyle
And that lifestyle leads to abundant life

The love of Christ provides Salvation
The love of Christ provides eternal life
The love of Christ provides forgiveness of sin
The love of Christ provides spiritual freedom
The love of Christ provides heavenly culture

The love of Christ calls for a life of complete submission onto Him
The love of Christ calls for a spiritual relationship with Him
The love of Christ calls for Holliness
The love of Christ calls to be unfit
The love of Christ calls for spiritual maturity
The love of Christ calls for self denial
The love of Christ calls to engage
The love of Christ calls for vigilance
The love of Christ calls to be sober minded
The love of Christ calls for wisdom
The love of Christ calls for obedience
The love of Christ calls to be set apart
The love of Christ calls for spiritual reconciliation
The love of Christ calls to be justified by the Holy Spirit

The love of Christ is confrontational
The love of Christ is sacrificial
The love of God is Christ
Christ is the way to God
Christ the truth of God
Christ is the life God offered

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Spiritual freedom

Spiritual freedom is the embodiment of Jesus Christ, into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, upon confession of our sins and professing Him as our personal Lord and Savior for the freedom and the prosperity of our souls.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Time to be spiritually clothed

This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living.
Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for all to see. Don't participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living, or in quarreling and jealousy.
Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don't let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.

                                                  Romans 13:11-14

Sunday, July 26, 2015


“As the world is rapidly heading to its end, we are also promptly running toward the judgment day of Christ”

Have you ever ask yourself if you are walking naked or clothed daily? That’s sounds like a weird question isn't it? Well, through a logical perspective it doesn't make sense at all because you obviously put clothes on to go anywhere you need to go, but when you look at it through a biblical perspective it makes perfect sense to ask yourself that question, because we are accountable to God for the life He has given us to live every day. Whether you are a believer or not, one day you are going to stand before God to give an account for what you did with your life.

How do we walk naked daily?
In society today it is difficult to know how naked we take the street every day to engage in our daily activities because society and culture has brought to us a new norm as the human race defines“ evil good” and “good evil”. The nakedness I am talking about is “spiritual nakedness”, meaning when we live according to the natural law of life by exiting God’s precepts, values and morals by which we are to live.

I have met people who claim to be clothed with being a good person according to their morals and values, but walking spiritually naked by feeding their pride with what they do that looks good for the praise of men, for the bible says only God is good (Mark 10:18). We can walk clothed professing love but spiritually naked with hatred (Leviticus 19:17). We can be clothed with niceness of speech but spiritually naked with adultery, fornication and lust (Matthew 5:28; 1 Corinthians 6:18; Hebrews 13:4; Proverbs 6:32). We can be clothed with finances but naked with emptiness. We can be clothed with a beautiful appearance, but naked with the identity and purpose that is found only in Christ. We can be clothed with appreciative words of kindness but naked spiritually with jealousy. We can be clothed with possessions but naked with idolatry. We can be clothed as church goers or believers, but naked with unbelief (James 1:19-25). We can be clothed with understanding but naked with deception and stubbornness (Proverbs 3:5-6). We can be clothed with education but naked with profanity.

1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” In this verse a promise of God’s faithfulness is made to you and I that no matter how hard we are tempted it is not uncommon to us mankind, but sometimes we get so comfortable in it gratifying our fleshly desires we get lost in it and ignore the way out God has provided for us to overcome. It’s time to wake up people of God!

Living in a state of nakedness is living unprotected; biblically speaking it is living a rebellious life spiritually uncovered. The bible says in 1 Samuel 15:23 “Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols. So because you have rejected the command of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.”

My purpose in writing this blog is not to bring out how naked you are, because we are all in some way walking spiritually uncovered at some point. My purpose is to tell you to start being more conscious of how you walk daily, check yourself and the only way it can be done is by reading the bible and asking God to help you understand His word the way He wants you to understand it.

We are living in a society where churches are desensitized to the Holy Spirit and insensitive to sin. Now is the time for you to walk spiritually covered and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit so you may know the truth and receive the freedom that comes with it (John 8:31-33), instead making yourself believe you have the light, reexamine for that light may be darkness, the bible warns “how deep is that darkness” (Matthew 6:22).

As we see the signs of the end time are getting more intense all around us, there is no better day, hour, minute and second than now to make a personal check in our lives and in our relationship with Christ to see how far or close we are from Him because now is the time to get closer and closer to Him.

And for you who have not met Jesus and accepted Him in your life I invite you to ask Him to come into your heart today if you are confused He can give you clarity, if you don’t know what to believe ask Him to reveal himself to you and receive the abundant life he has for you. He is knocking at your door today, answer Him before it is too late.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spiritual Fullness

We are living in a society today that tells us to go out there and get it, because we got what it takes; we got the passion and the drive, we got the mind and the skills. We can become whatever we want and live life to the fullest, but when we try so much and so hard to get this lifestyle, and never see it happen we often feel upset and confused wondering why can't we see it. All we have left is emptiness.

A couple months ago, at a men’s meeting I attended, one of the gentlemen usually speaks on how he’s been trying to accomplish so much in his life so that he can finally sit down and enjoy the labor of his hands. This isn't wrong at all, but our heart have to be in the right place.

As I was speaking and explaining to one of the attendees how God allows certain things and dreams that we have to not become a reality, because He wants to draw us back to Him by depending on Him as our source, our provider and the author of our lives. For when we commit ourselves to executing something and it happens we would think we don't need God, because we got it all under control.

By the time I finished explaining this concept to the gentlemen he became confused, fell into tears saying when he hears things like that it upsets him, he prayed and prayed asking God to see him through his dreams, doing all this he thought it would bring him close to God. It is a struggle for him, he said.

These questions come to mind “have you ever asked God to reveal himself to you?”; and "Are you seeking God for who he is or for whom you perceived him to be, for what you can get from him?” Most of the time we find ourselves in this state of confusion because we think of God as someone we can order around to come along with whatever plan we have in mind. The thing is, when we go by the pattern of the world, there will always be disappointment and confusion, that’s why the bible says in Romans 12:2 “don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, his good and pleasing and perfect”.

What is spiritual fullness?
In Matthew 6:32-33, the bible says to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and everything else will be giving onto you”. In order to be spiritually complete our hearts have to be in the right place, meaning that our hearts have to seek what pleases God and if it pleases him we will enjoy the fullness of his kingdom. To help you better understand lets go to 1 King 3:7-14, when God appeared to Solomon in a dream he told him to ask whatever he wanted. The first thing to notice is that Solomon “humbles himself”; not thinking because his dad was king, he had the right to claim his royal inheritance with a prideful heart (v7). Instead he acknowledges that God had placed his dad to be king over the Israelite people and now placed him as king to replace his father. Second he acknowledges that he didn't have the “spiritual maturity”; to lead God’s people, who were too numerous to count, then he said to God “give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”(V9). One thing to realize is that, when we go before God in prayer what we say to him can reveal our hearts. It can be our selfishness, our pride, our ignorance, our arrogance, how hateful we are, or our heart can show how loving we are, how generous we are, how humble we are, how kind we are, etc. For some of us when God reveals our hearts to us it can be ugly and painful or it can be beautiful.

As God was pleased with Solomon with what he asked, because there was no selfish desires, no hatred toward his enemies, no pride in him being the new king. God blessed him by answering his request, also giving him what he didn't ask for, riches and honor. Also, the Lord told him if he walks in God’s ways and obey his statutes and commands as his father David did, He will give him a long life.

So, what is Jesus really asking of you today in Matthew 6:33? Well, it is to put him first in whatever you are doing, make him the first priority in your life, and allow him to lead your heart, to own it so that whatever you have or whatever you do won't own you. Jesus wants you to live for him and he'll be for you. That is how you can be spiritually complete, and that is abundant life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Life and Its Components

Have you ever wondered what the components of life are or what they are about? For example, "Guilty Blindness" you wouldn't think this would be a component of daily life. Most people think they are not guilty of anything. However, what we don't know can hurt.

This book was written with you in mind, presenting a biblical perspective of Life and Its Components.