Saturday, November 10, 2018


I am seeking healing
But it requires pealing
If I don't peal
I can't heal
And when I peal
I discover the truth
And the truth hurts
And if I don't peal
I will be bombarded with unanswered questions
Which will give birth to reality based on perceptions

The more I peal
The more I am ill
Does that mean I shouldn't keep pealing
No, not at all
The bible said in the book of John, if you know the truth it will set you free

All I am seeking is to be free from this feeling of pain
My heart aches every time I think of it
I felt abandon by love
I felt cheated on by love
I don't like that pain

But I know healing is a process
And that one day I will encounter success
Don't leave me hanging
On perceptive feelings
But free me with the truth
So that I may find healing