Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nation Haitienne il est Temps de Chercher Dieu

 "Nation haïtienne il est temps de chercher Dieu", est un livre à caractère historique, romantique, poétique et engagé. Lançant une invitation personnelle à la nation dans un mouvement de réveille spirituelle en cherchant la face de Dieu par la prière pour dédié le pays à Dieu.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Restoring the Love that Prevails

Everything in life was created for a purpose.

Personality, Character, Emotion, even Nature itself, all created for one great purpose... God’s Glory.

For human kind, all that was giving to us was for a greater cause, something higher than are human nature. In the bible the book of Genesis told us that we were created perfect, and because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden sin entered the world and we are now all sinners. We can sometime focus on our imperfections and not appreciate ourselves and the good in others. God in His omniscience knew the consequences that were to come and had plan to give us something perfect to reconcile us with Him. He gave us the ten commandments a perfect moral standard to live by and we still fall into temptation, daily! God cares about us so much that He decided to show us His love in the most powerful way called Sacrificial Love, by giving His only begotten son on the cross so all of us can live, enjoy life and most importantly to learn how to love Him, have a relationship with Him and others, especially in marriage which reveals the greatness of God’s love of and His acceptance of humankind despite weaknesses and sinful nature, preparing us for His glory.

Romans chapter 13 verses 8-14, explains that we need to put on the armor of Lord Jesus Christ by accepting His sacrificial love on the cross and make no provision for the flesh so we won’t be deceived by fulfilling its lust. Love has been polluted to justify satisfying the flesh, a reason to sin, a reason to hurt people through deception. Now many say “you are lucky if you find love”. Polluting love takes away a reason to bring us together as friends, together as a couple, together as a family for the enrichment of God’s purpose for His Kingdom. Now is the time for love to be seen, to live and to be understood the way God intend it to be and with healthy intentions.

Sacrificial Love is a book written, I believe with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to help you understand that love is not just a feeling that pop ups today and is gone tomorrow. Love is a commitment you make with a daily sacrifice to make your spouse, friend, or the person you are in a relationship with feel and know that you love them. And for those of you who are thinking about being in relationship or getting married some day to have a good understanding of what it is to love someone. Take it day by day, meditate on each chapter, soak in all the information and let God give you wisdom. He still speaks today.