Friday, October 7, 2011

Can't live for people and can't live without people

Once, my brother state to me:"you cannot live for people and you cannot live without people". This is a very strong statement and it takes me into a deep thought, because there was frustration in his voice. I have come to understand his statement in a reality check from my past experiences.

First of all, think about how we "can't live for people", life in itself is a series of challenges that we all have to face, fight hard and smart to get through, but for some people it doesn't matter how intelligent or smart you are, how capable and gifted you are, if you can't meet their standard you are nothing.

What matters to some people, is that we are who they see that we are in their mind, but not who we are created to be. Now, not only are we all challenged by life but also by the way people see us or think of us. It feels like we have to live for them by changing who we are to prove ourselves to them, to be valuable and accepted, instead of being loved, valuable and accepted for who we really are.
The only standard we have to live by is that of our Lord Jesus Christ, because He created us and gave His life on the cross for all man-kind, so we can live life abundantly with everything He put in us (Colossians 3v11).

On the other hand, we have the "can't live without people". If I ask you to go in a mirror, look at yourself and tell me what you see? You would probably tell me something positive or negative about your physical appearance. Sometimes we complain about our physical appearance and sometimes we appreciate it more others. Well, my point is despite of all the good and bad we can identify in ourselves, we are still able to see pass somebody elses imperfection and allow ourselves to help someone see the beauty behind their physical appearance and accept them to live life with all that they have just the way they are, by doing this we can create opportunities for one and other. We are all at some point in our lives, a reflection of somebody else, an inspiration for one and other, a booster, an opportunity maker or a point of success for each other. These are all the ways that God can use us to be a blessing to one and other, as we allow Him to not let us take advantage of each other (Philippians 2v1-11), but see through each other, that's what the power of God's love can do in us.