Friday, October 9, 2009

Be Always Hopeful

Being hopeful doesn't mean giving up
Being hopeful doesn't mean stop dreaming
Being hopeful doesn't mean there is nothing for you
Being hopeful doesn't mean stop trying
Being hopeful doesn't mean stop living

Being hopeful means there is something for you
even though you don't see it...

Being hopeful means there is much out of it for you
Being hopeful means keep trying
Being hopeful means be strong
Being hopeful means be confident

Hope is the faith that we have in something that we want or something that we want to achieve no matter how hard things can come on our way, knowing that we will get it.

I don't know what you are going though right now, how hard it is for you to think about it or to get out of it. But one thing I know is you can't do it on your own! Give it to the Lord for only He can give you hope and strength to go through it and feel fulfilled (Proverbs 13v12)